Bem-vindo à Farmácia Vilares

A Farmácia Vilares LTDA é uma empresa dedicada a oferecer produtos farmacêuticos de qualidade em Barra do Choça, Bahia, sempre com o compromisso de atender bem nossos clientes.

A shelf filled with various bottles of medication, each labeled with different drug names and dosages. The labels are primarily white with some colorful accents. The bottles vary in size and shape, typical of a pharmacy or medical supply setting.
A shelf filled with various bottles of medication, each labeled with different drug names and dosages. The labels are primarily white with some colorful accents. The bottles vary in size and shape, typical of a pharmacy or medical supply setting.



Clientes Satisfeitos

Atendimento Ágil

Localização Farmácia

Estamos localizados em Barra do Choça, Bahia, na PC Francisco Amorim, número 175, Barra Nova, CEP: 45.120-000.


PC Francisco Amorim, 175


Seg a Sex